Current Publishing

Opinion: 19 goals for the new year

CIC VIEWS 0926 Serger Fall

Commentary by Jim Serger

Twelve months is all we are given in 2019, so let’s make it a year full of goals and achieving them instead of just dreams and wishes. Let’s pen them down and kick off the year with something set in stone, then cross them off one by one.

In honor of 2019, let’s plan out 19 goals. Time can be our companion, or it can be our opponent. When it comes to goals, once you place them in writing, it’s more concrete. When 2019 comes to a close, you can look back and say, “I did this and that.” It holds one accountable, as well as it makes the year more fulfilling in achieving the goals.

Goals don’t have to be enormous. They don’t have to be out of reach—just making your bed each day, as simple as it is—still can be a day-to-day goal. Everyone can have goals: kids, teenagers, adults, teams, schools, families, teachers, police officers, firefighters, communities and so on.

Here’s an outline for goal-setting:

12: 1 goal per month.

4: seasonal/quarterly goals

2: six month goals

1: big goal for the year

= 20“19”

Write the goals down now and scratch them off. Try something unique, do something you’ve blown off—the key ingredient to achieving goals is to have a good surplus of them laid out.

However, don’t hesitant to place a tough one in there, one that may seem just a little bit out of reach. You may just be amazed as to what you can accomplish, if you inscribe them and plan it out.

Jim Serger is a Carmel resident and author. 

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