Letter: Give evidence in articles



In the Jan. 15 issue of Current in Fishers, under the heading “Business Local,” there was an article titled, “Alcohol, hate crime legislation priorities for OneZone.” My question concerns a statement by OneZone President Mo Merhoff. The statement reads: “When we look at bias crimes legislation, it’s an important factor from a jobs standpoint.” Please expand on that. Has there been a study or studies concerning this? If so, would you please reference that study in your comment rather than just stating flatly that bias crimes legislation impacts jobs in some way. We might also ask is it all jobs or just certain jobs. This belief that a crime is worse because it is between two people of different races, ethnicity, etc., simply doesn’t make sense to me. Please provide substantiated evidence for one to reach such a conclusion before writing. Surely, it is not just your opinion.

Robert Dombrow, Fishers
