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Letter: Shoe collection a success

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The Boone County Solid Waste Management District completed its seventh annual shoe collection last week in which shoes are passed on to the Indiana nonprofit, Changing Footprints. With 33 collection spots throughout Boone County to donate, more than 8,500 pairs of shoes were collected during the two-week collection period! This is a record for the district’s collection as well as for Changing Footprints. Changing Footprint’s co-founder and board President Bob Broughton stated, “This is the largest-ever collection/donation for Changing Footprints! We cannot thank you enough for your work and support. Your team has kept tons of shoes out of the landfill and put them on the feet of those in need. We appreciate your entire team at the district. We appreciate every one of you!”

Changing Footprints sorts the collected shoes and either redistributes to those in need (80 percent right here in central Indiana) or they are passed onto Nike for recycling. The Boone County Solid Waste Management District sees this as a win-win situation, helping others while keeping materials out of the landfill!

The district would like to thank all the community partners that hosted collection sites, especially our top three collectors: Western Boone Jr./Sr. High School, Milestone Contractors and Skjodt Barrett!

Jennifer Lawrence, executive director, Boone County Solid Waste Management District


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