Current Publishing

Opinion: Can you Trump my view?

Danielle Wilson

Danielle Wilson

Several readers have accused me of making passive-aggressive comments about the president without providing evidence. Fair enough. In their emails, they also resorted to pointing the finger at others rather than defending Trump, which, if having been a mother for 20 years has taught me anything, means they cannot. The real question for me is, and I’m not being trite here, how can anyone still support him as the moral leader of this nation?

I understand why Democrats do not. He goes against everything that more liberal-minded people stand for – open immigration, gun control, carbon reduction, equitable access to education, to name a few (though he does spend like a Democrat! Per the CBO, the federal deficit is projected to increase by another $100 billion this year. That alone should have more fiscally minded Americans completely losing their shtick).

But how can anyone, particularly Republican females, continue to support a man who clearly does not respect women? I can chalk up his name-calling of Hillary Clinton as campaign mudslinging, but his total discount of Christine Blasey Ford’s testimony should have been a red flag to all Americans that Trump does not believe women are deserving of equal treatment (has everyone forgotten the Access Hollywood interview, which he then lied about? Is this the role model you want for your boys?).

And the fact that he refused to condemn the white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, which ended with the murder of Heather Heyer, is reprehensible.He is supposed to be the moral leader of this nation, for God’s sake.

Disagree with me? Then defend him. I would love to learn that he is actually a good person.

Peace out.

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