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Letter: Vote for Jim Ake

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Election Day May 7 is fast approaching.  My husband, Jim Ake, is running for Westfield City Council at-large and has represented our city for the past eight years. Significant progress has been made during that time and he has personally worked on several projects that have contributed to Westfield’s success. Jim deeply cares about Westfield, the residents and the impact that these projects make on the future of our city.

A few highlights I wanted to share that I’m proud of, as a Westfield resident but also as a proud wife:

The above projects are all examples of what efficient and effective government can accomplish. Even with all that has been done, Westfield has the 10th-lowest city tax rate in the state, large cash reserves in our rainy-day fund, a low per-capita debt ratio and a robust economy.

When you get ready to cast your vote May 7, join me in voting for Jim Ake for Westfield City Council!

Mary Ake, Westfield

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