Current Publishing

Column: Becoming fit enough

Commentary by Bill Dean

I was the kid who played every sport growing up. Sunup to sundown, I was on the move. Being the youngest of eight children – born 20 years after my oldest sibling – my parents weren’t exactly spring chickens. Still, I remember them coming to my high school and college cross country meets, running to and fro, cheering for our team. And afterward, with winded breath, excitedly saying, “You keep us young!”


Life has now come full circle. As a 50-year-old father of two young, active daughters – ages 10 and 9 – it’s not about winning races anymore. It’s about being physically fit enough and mentally strong enough to work a full day and still emphatically answer “yes” when my girls invite me to go play outside. They’re two of my greatest joys and I don’t want to miss a minute of their lives.

I would venture to say that fitness is one of the most important aspects of our lives. If you’re fit enough, the whole world opens up to you and your opportunities to experience joy drastically increase. For some of my clients, “fit enough” means they can get on the floor and play with their grandchildren. For others, it means they can compete to win NBA championships or complete a marathon. The bottom line is this: When you’re fit enough, you can confidently pursue your passions in life.

There’s a fundamental decision that most of us will face around the age of 50. While some of us will choose to invest our time and energy in becoming (or continuing to be) active, others will elect to sit on the sidelines for the remainder of their time on Earth.  Think of it as a fork in the road, if you will. Which path will you choose?

As Robert Frost so eloquently wrote, “Two roads diverged in a wood, and I — I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.”

After serving seven seasons as the head strength and conditioning coach Indiana Pacers, Bill Dean created the personal training company Succeed, LLC and the online fitness training firm Bill co-authored a book and DVD while in the NBA and has produced more than 150 fitness videos through MyNetTrainer. He earned his degree in Health Promotion and Wellness from the University of Wisconsin – Stevens Point and was certified by the National Strength and Conditioning Association. He can be reached at or

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