Current Publishing

Letter: Climate change – what to expect

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I am writing in response to a letter in Current’s April 23 issue. It again claimed the 2013 rigged survey showing 97 percent of scientists report human caused-climate change is real.

Actually, a carefully selected 75 to 100 “scientists” responded to their grantor’s wishes. Ninety-seven percent has long since been debunked. Science is never settled by consensus. If it is consensus, it isn’t science. Some researchers differ, but since “climate change” is a nonlinear political tool on the part of the globalist, it is not generally accurately reported. 

Among the many things that have kept our climate changing for 4 1/2 billion years is an 11-year solar cycle and volcanos and very long Earth-wobble cycles. Because of the North Atlantic Oscillation, a cold phase occurs every 20 to 30 years. It began about three years ago and has cooled the Atlantic Ocean to the coolest it’s been since the mid-1980s.

Antarctica has such an ice build-up in recent years that it is glaciating off its shelf and breaking up in recent years. Researchers from the University of Iceland have projected, to their surprise, each of their glaciers will expand this year — first time these have expanded year-over-year in more than 25 years. Greenland and the Arctic also have gained ice during the last three years — 45 percent more than normal, in fact. El Niño and La Niña profoundly change our weather. CO2 has nothing to do with them. Recent research is speculating a new “Super Grand Minimum” — or weather like around 1700. I frankly don’t look forward to that. 

One of the largest problems with current predictions is faults in computer models. The models rely on old temperature readings with very different equipment than what is used today. Except for tree rings that partially represent temperatures, measurements only go back to 1880, as noted by NOAA. Measurements at that time only covered 5 percent of Earth.

The letter did a great disservice to climate science. Too bad “climate science” became a political tool. All living things on Earth depend on carbon building blocks and water. Mankind’s endeavors seem to have increased CO2, but scientific research has yet to prove its negative effects  on climate — only faulty computer models have so demonstrated.

We should have and will greatly reduce fossil fuel emissions. Oh, reportedly there are more polar bears than ever known.

Mic Mead


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