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Letter: Fathers, take heart!

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We recently celebrated Father’s Day, and I personally want to thank my own father as well as all the men who are father-figures in my own life. These men were coaches, teachers, pastors, parents of my friends, business owners as well as acquaintances I have met along the way.

These men spoke truth into my life. They told me to try new things; they inspired me to push myself beyond my comfort level; they challenged me to look beyond my circumstances, and most importantly, they loved me unconditionally.

For all those fathers out there who may feel they do not measure up to the world’s standards, I say: Take heart and do not be discouraged! This world offers a very distorted picture of what a father should be. As long as you love mercy, seek justice and walk humbly, that is your true calling.

If change is truly what you want to see in this country, then please take a moment and look deep inside your own heart and ask yourself, “What changes do I need to make personally?” Anyone can do this. The real question is, will you do this? It could bring about the change everyone wants to see.

“Life doesn’t come with an instruction book. That’s why we have fathers.” — H. Jackson Brown Jr.

Susan Chapman Porter, Carmel

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