Current Publishing

Town adds two weather-monitoring stations

CIZ COM 0709 weather stations

An example a weather-monitoring station at a wastewater plant. (Submitted photo)

By Jarred Meeks

Zionsville’s wastewater and technology departments, through an interactive weather-monitoring platform, have installed two solar-powered weather stations that will enable the town and residents to track hyper-local weather data.

WeatherSTEM establishes stations that track amounts and rates of rainfall, wind speed, direction, temperature, humidity and ultraviolet and solar radiation. The information is used to create a weather network with accurate local weather data.

Users can access WeatherSTEM’s up-to-the-minute Zionsville weather data at boone.weat HYPERLINK “” HYPERLINK “” HYPERLINK “”h HYPERLINK “” HYPERLINK “” HYPERLINK “” or through the WeatherSTEM app.

Users also have access to archived weather conditions, future forecasts and a customizable notifications system. Each station sends out live updates and forecasts on Facebook and Twitter.

In addition, users can access what WeatherSTEM terms “lifestyle forecasts.”

“We show for today and tomorrow how the weather will affect you if you have dry skin, if you are prone to pollen, if you have aches and pains, so we tweet that out,” said Ed Mansouri, CEO and founder of WeatherSTEM.

Mansouri said people often use WeatherSTEM for hyper-local weather forecasts to complement other national weather forecasts.

The stations also provide ightning updates and feature cloud cameras and a time-lapse weather video produced at the end of each day.

Data from the stations will be used by various Zionsville departments to help daily planning and operations. For example, the wastewater department uses the information to plan for flows that will eventually be processed at the treatment plant.

“Those are environments that are often going to be potentially impacted by very localized weather conditions,” Mansouri said. “In the case of the wastewater treatment plant, if we had a very heavy episode of rain in a very short amount of time, that could have pretty significant implications on the operation of that facility.

“So, by equipping hyper-local weather monitoring, which is what WeatherSTEM provides, you are going to have a data point that helps understand the correlation between what happened and what the implications were.”

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