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Ealing joins Pet Wellness Clinic team

Dr. Ben Ealing recently joined Pet Wellness Clinic and will be practicing at the Binford Pet Wellness Clinic in Indianapolis and the Spring Mill Pet Wellness Clinic in Westfield. Ealing is a small animal practioner and works exclusively with dogs and cats.

Ealing, a 39-year-old Carmel resident, most recently practiced in the Geist area for the past five years.


“Pet Wellness Clinics offers the opportunity to practice a high quality of veterinary medicine with a well-trained staff and at the same time put a strong emphasis on work-life balance,” Ealing said.

Ealing graduated from Purdue University with a bachelor’s degree in agriculture in 2001 and a doctorate in veterinarian medicine in 2005. His wife, Mary, also is a veterinarian and Purdue graduate.

Ealing has 8-year-old twin sons and two cats, Ziggy and Blinikin’. He also maintains two aquariums with fish and invertebrates.

When it comes to advice for pet owners, Ealing said prevention is the best practice.

“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure,” he said. “The best thing you can do for your pets is have them examined regularly to monitor and maintain their good health and to catch problems early when they are easiest to treat.”

Common problems he treats include allergic skin disease, periodontal disease and weight-related health conditions.

Ealing is an avid runner and plays guitar and sings in a small acoustic band.

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