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City council to discuss expanded skateboard ban, raising park impact fee at Sept. 16 meeting

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The Carmel City Council will introduce an ordinance at its Sept. 16 meeting that expands the list of places using skateboards and other wheeled toy vehicles are not allowed.

The amendment adds Carmel Midtown, the Arts & Design District and parking garages as places where skateboards and scooters are not allowed. It also proposes banning them in Carmel Clay Parks & Recreation parks except on greenways, trails, multi-use paths and designated skate parks.

Other places where skateboarding is already banned include Carmel Civic Square, Carmel City Center, Rotary Plaza and Carmel Veteran’s Memorial.

Violators would be fined up to $100 for a first offense and up to $500 for subsequent offenses, which is the current penalty.

The council will also discuss an amendment to the reimbursement rate for exempt employees participating in disaster relief outside of Carmel, a proposed increase in the park impact fee and transferring the Carmel Fire Dept. headquarters land to the Carmel Redevelopment Commission.

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