Current Publishing

Town council unanimously approves bonds for park, trail improvements

Parks Director Matt Dickey


The Zionsville Town Council met Oct. 21 for a seven-minute meeting. Only four councilors, Kevin Spees, Bryan Traylor, Jason Plunkett and Josh Garrett, were present.

Councilors unanimously approved two bonds, one each for improvements at Overly-Worman Park and trail improvements for the Big-4 Rail Trail.

The vote came only a few weeks after the council downvoted nearly $20 million in bonds to finance a new campus complex to house the street and parks department.

The bond for Overly-Worman Park will not exceed $3,375,000. The funds will be used to finance all or a portion of the design, construction, installation and equipping of various improvements at the park, including paved and natural surface trails for mountain bikes, road biking and pedestrian usage; parking areas; disc golf and general play areas; bridge and boardwalk improvements; fishing opportunities; observation areas and/or towers; shelters; water feature improvements; and general park amenities.


Overly-Worman Park is a new park the Town of Zionsville is working to establish. It is adjacent to Eagle Creek across from Starkey Nature Park behind the Vonterra subdivision on Zionsville Road.  

Because it was the second reading of the ordinances, there was no presentation, but at the Oct. 7 meeting, Parks Director Matt Dickey spoke on the bond.

“The type of features that would be in here are several miles of trails, multi-purpose trails, walking, hiking, running mountain biking,” Dickey said. “Up to 3 miles of trails are in the conceptual design if you approve this full amount.”

The bond for the trail improvements will not exceed $4,305,000, and the funds will be used to finance all or a portion of various trail path improvements throughout the district and improvements to the Big-4 Rail Trail, and the expenses incurred in connection with or on account of the issuance of the bonds.

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