Current Publishing

Opinion: Shame on mom shamers

Danielle Wilson

Danielle Wilson

Bad news, friends. It has come to my attention that “mom shaming” is alive and well in the Indy suburbs. And given my advocacy for supporting all parenting styles, I feel I must address this important subject matter right away, lest it get out of hand for the holidays. It’s time to shame the shamers.

Mind your own business, ladies! Especially when it comes to new parents. I had lunch with a first-time mommy last week and she horrified me with stories of lactation crazies, judgmental friends and condescending holier-than-thou types. What the what?

Her baby wasn’t getting enough to eat, but everyone around them kept pushing the “breast is best” agenda. Puh-lease! Nursing might have worked for you and your family, but it ain’t the end-all, be-all for everyone.

Thank goodness she has an awesome pediatrician (we love you, Dr. D!) who took one look at her strung-out, sleep-deprived, tear-stained face and told her flat out, “Give this baby a bottle of formula, stat!”

My friend told me what a relief it was to finally have “permission” to do what she instinctively knew was right for her child. Her child, mind you, not yours. Her daughter is now putting the weight back on, she’s grabbing some rest and everyone is happy.

The moral of this story is this: Stop shaming new parents! If they want to exclusively use Enfamil and a binkie, good on them. It’s none of your business, anyway.

Peace out.

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