Current Publishing

Common councilor repurposes political yard signs

With the general elections approaching Nov. 5, plenty of yard signs are likely destined for trash bins. But Noblesville Common Council member Darren Peterson decided to reduce yard sign trash by repurposing his primary signs into birdhouses.

Darren Peterson displays his yard sign birdhouse. (Submitted photo)

Peterson got the idea from a friend’s son, who planned to repurpose the signs for his Eagle Scout project.

Peterson then made two birdhouses for himself.

“I don’t think any birds will live in mine,” Peterson said. “I didn’t do a lot of bird research, but he (the Eagle Scout) has birds living in his.”

The project required one sign per birdhouse and took approximately two hours to complete.

With his 250 general election signs, Peterson plans to complete a recycling project by melting down and then repurpose them into a bench to place in a park.

Peterson was inspired in part by his art background. He is owner and president of Peterson Architecture and has a passion for the arts. He serves on the Nickel Plate Arts board, runs CanStruction and was the artist behind the two crosswalks in Forest Park. He’s been a part of Keep Noblesville Beautiful and Noblesville Main Street.

“To me, it’s about taking what already exists and putting a unique spin on it,” Peterson said. “Let’s make things interesting and meaningful for the residents of Noblesville.”

Peterson asks anyone with remaining yard signs to not throw them away and return them to be repurposed. For more, email Peterson at

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