Current Publishing

Opinion: Assorted colors

Terry Anker

Terry Anker

To some of us, the world is a less colorful place. It doesn’t mean that we cannot see the same hues but that we think of them as the basic kindergarten Crayola pack with eight colors only. Sophisticated, we employ descriptive words like light green or dark blue.  But otherwise, concepts of chartreuse and periwinkle elude us. 

So far, the shorthanded descriptors have worked well enough. But today, it seems we are expected to wear certain colors on certain days to show certain encouragement of all manner and variety of cause, home team and political purpose. Sure, we support the Colts – and also the Pacers, Indy Eleven and Indians. We support teachers who teach. We support the farmers who work long, unrelenting hours, captive by uncontrollable weather to produce our food. We support the merchants who retrieve, organize, grade and deliver that food in the most safe, choice and cost-effective fashion on the planet. We support the entrepreneurs who take great personal risk to conceive, fund and implement an important new innovation. We support moms and dads, brothers and sisters, schools and universities, charities and nonprofits, our heritage and yours, bankers and businesses, hospitals and researchers, and all the rest. 

Still, there aren’t enough colors to go around. If we don’t wear it right, on the right day, in the right way, are we not “right” at all? Must each claim a color and claim it quick? 

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