Current Publishing

Opinion: Adventures in babysitting

Danielle Wilson

Danielle Wilson

2020 is almost here, friends, and guess where I will be spending the last night of 2019? Exotic Cleveland! That’s right, after last year’s magical New Year’s Eve with my dad at a Red Lobster in Valdosta, Ga., I’m upping the game with a trip to Lake Erie. Here’s the skinny.

My baby sister’s sister-in-law is getting married and wants my nephews in the wedding. They are 3 and 5 and will not make it to midnight. Nor will they be able to schlep around for hours prior to the wedding with their parents while the bridal party of 32 takes scenic photographs around the city known for the Rock &-Roll Hall of Fame and not being Detroit. Enter me, the best aunt/babysitter ever.

I am large and in charge of the cutest little ring bearers this side of Buffalo starting at 7 a.m. Dec. 31. My job? Feed, water and dress them, monitor them at the wedding, bring them back to the hotel, after a brief time at the reception, put them to bed well before the ball drops. Jealous much?

In all honesty, I’m rather excited, mainly because I won’t be expected to stay up late. I have a valid excuse for leaving the festivities early and hitting the sack by 10 p.m.. That’s my kind of New Year’s Eve. Even better, I’ve solidified my position as the family martyr, taking two in a row for the team!

So, happy New Year, and here’s to hoping someone plans to ring in 2021 in another glamourous city. I’d like to go for the trifecta. Trenton, maybe?

Peace out.

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