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Letter: We want to stay, too

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I’m writing in regards to the article “We Want to Stay.” Our family has lived in Carmel for more than 50 years and this problem has affected us for more than a decade. And even though we’ve discussed it in our community during that time, there it finally was, the “G” word in print: gentrification.

For those families trying to hold on by finding affordable housing, I hope you find a solution so you can continue the life you and your family most certainly deserve. For those who feel you have a target on your back, your fears are very real.

Mr. Moffett said he was not apologetic about the fact they serve consumer demand. Mr. Moffett, we aren’t looking for an apology, but a solution. Saying this needs to be a countywide discussion is lip service and passing the buck. Your own words make it sound like the real reason we need affordable housing is because without it, there will be no lower income families, and so there will be no service-industry workers to serve you your morning coffee.

J. Smith, Carmel

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