Current Publishing

Opinion: Rekindling warmth of family

Danielle Wilson

Danielle Wilson

It’s a COVID-19 miracle! After three weeks of self-isolation, the Wilson six-pack is still intact, and dare I say, thriving. I’m not kidding. For some unknown reason, our little family is getting along better than ever, which is quite unusual given the circumstances.

Typically, holidays and summer vacation are a nightmare. College kids return home, taking up space and air; dishes and denim debris multiply like fruit flies, which also generally make an appearance when the coping bottles of red wine start flowing; and the lack of schedule sends everyone, particularly me, into a crazed state, unable to function properly or be nice to anyone.

What gives? Maybe it’s the shared sense of surrealness that has each of my darlings trying his/her best to be kind and helpful. Perhaps they understand they have no other choice and that Zoom conferencing with friends grows old after a while. Maybe they realize how lucky they are to be healthy and safe, and that if we are to survive sans divorce or childhood emancipation, they have to rise to the occasion.

And rise they have. They are complying with the newly resurrected, often-maligned Chore Chart. They take turns grocery shopping (their only “live” social interaction), making dinner and, most recently, giving presentations in the evenings on everything from the Denver Airport conspiracy theory (it’s the Illuminati!) to the 10 most controversial men of all time (Mother Teresa was No. 1!). I’ve even heard them laughing. Together. For real. And not at each other.

So, for me, the silver lining in all of this is the renewed joy of family. Truly a miracle.

Peace out.

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