Current Publishing

WEF announces eLearning access grant

The Westfield Education Foundation recently announced that Westfield Washington Schools received a $3,700 eLearning grant from the Duke Energy Foundation. The grant allowed the school district to deliver Wi-Fi/broadband hotspots to students without internet access.


“It is actually to empower our students through providing Wi-Fi and broadband hotspots for our students to support our eLearning,” WEF Executive Director Jody Dedon said. “When this COVID-19 pandemic began, on March 16 there were 360 students that weren’t set up for (eLearning) capability, and 103 students still required Wi-Fi broadband support. Because of this project, we are able to not only fulfill that need but come alongside those students and their families to make sure they had the support they needed to be successful in their academic success.”

WWS also has created a map, accessible on its website, that shows other places families or students can access internet, such as school parking lots.

“We have different parking lots where Wi-Fi is working, so just to make it even more accessible for students and their families and the community to get support,” Dedon said. “It’s all part of the COVID-19 Westfield community-unified response. All of our partners are on the Wellbeing Coalition website.”

The Westfield Wellbeing Coalition website allows community members to either access or provide help.

“We have partners providing food and supplies, anything that’s needed to just support the community and come alongside those students and their families and the community,” Dedon said.

For businesses that want to assist WWS during the COVID-19 pandemic, email Jody Dedon at or call 317-867-8085.

For more about the Westfield Wellbeing Coalition, visit To view the WWS Wi-Fi map, visit

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