Letter: Kenley supports Dillinger



I encourage all voters to support Steve Dillinger for county commissioner.  I have known Steve since our high school days at Noblesville High School and am proud of Steve’s service to Hamilton County during the last 40 years. From his involvement with youth to his public service as an elected official, Steve has been instrumental in the growth of our county.

He has been and still is the constant leader to bring infrastructure improvement to the county, whether it be roads such as the massive improvement of 146th Street, the growth and development of Riverview Hospital to provide first-class medical services by our county hospital, or the addition and improvement of our county park system for our recreational needs.

Experience counts! Steve has it and uses it to provide a level of leadership rarely seen in government. He not only makes the right decisions, but does so economically with an eye on costs, and with consideration to retaining the freedoms we cherish as a great nation.

Luke Kenley, Noblesville
