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Letter: Prioritizing climate, clean energy jobs

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I wanted to take a moment and say thank you to the Citizens Climate Lobby of Indianapolis for all their hard work and dedication in producing a candidate forum in the 5th Congressional District. The CCL is creating real change as it pertains to our environmental sustainability. 

The topic of the forum was prioritizing the climate and clean energy jobs as we rebuild our economy. It was great to see so many people in the crowd in real time and those that continue to view the Forum. Of the 17 or so candidates vying to replace Susan Brooks, four, including myself, were in attendance. I hope the absence of the other candidates is not indicative of their personal dismissiveness of the environment. However, as a candidate for the job, I will make the environment a topic not just for this election cycle but for the future. For our shared future. 

During these strange and unprecedented times, I think we have an opportunity in Indiana to be at the forefront of the clean energy future. Clean energy is good for our environment, our economy, our industry and our agricultural sectors. Mother Earth has always provided, and I hope that technology has caught up to our energy consumption and it’s a clean future.

Here’s hoping, anyway.

Ken Tucker, Westfield

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