Letter: Vote Jennifer Christie 



Out of the 20 candidates vying for the title of representative for Indiana’s 5th Congressional District, five are Democrats. However, there’s a clear winner among these five: Jennifer Christie.

Jennifer boasts a compelling background as a mom, activist and scientist. But that’s not all she has to offer. Jennifer is the candidate for climate change as the only explicit supporter of a Green New Deal and the only candidate to have released a comprehensive climate change plan to decarbonize America.

Jennifer is also in favor of guaranteeing healthcare as a human right through Medicare for All. She supports common-sense gun laws as well, such as universal background checks. While her broad pantheon of policies won’t all fit here, they are accessible at Jenniferforindiana.com. Whether you’re voting by mail or will show up to the polls, select the first name on the ballot for this truly exciting candidate who’s not afraid to ‘Be the Change’, Jennifer Christie!

Ethan Stoehr

