Current Publishing

Column: Feet need sunscreen, too

CIW HEALTH 0204 sullivan column

Dr. David Sullivan

Commentary by Dr. David Sullivan

July is UV Safety Awareness Month, a great time to discuss how you can protect your feet from the sun and find out the best ways to check yourself.

Often, consistent sunscreen users neglect the feet, yet bare feet are exposed to the sun’s rays, too. The sun’s UVA and UVB rays can cause skin cancer, especially deadly melanoma which can spread through blood vessels and the lymphatic system. Symptoms can be as subtle as an abnormal-looking mole or freckle found anywhere on the foot, and often go unnoticed without routine foot exams.

The American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons and the American Academy of Dermatology offer these tips to keep your feet safe this summer:

Early detection and treatment of skin cancer is key and could help save your life.

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