Current Publishing

Letter: How to bring back the gazebo concert series

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In a recent edition of Current in Carmel I found it interesting that the pictures and comments headlined “Sit-in Against Racial Injustice fills Civic Square” didn’t mention a thing about “several hundred people” gathering to express their views seemingly being OK, while several thousand of us weren’t there, staying home as advised by city, state and federal authorities.

But then we read that our beloved gazebo concert series was canceled, because, as Melanie Brewer was quoted as saying, “the highest risk the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention websites mentions are large in-person gatherings where it’s difficult for people to remain 6 feet apart.” I guess if you have a political agenda, you can use the gazebo.

Maybe we should call the concert series, “Sit In FOR Community Unity,” and start them again in the fall. I’m just sad they are canceled, as are very many others.

Ellie Timberman, Carmel

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