Current Publishing

Letter: Police cartoon in poor taste 

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I certainly am not one to reach out and comment on others opinions and beliefs, although I have been doing a lot of biting my tongue concerning our social revolution. 

The cartoon (depicting police in a lineup) that recently appeared in Current in Carmel was in poor taste and took a cheap shot at one of the very rocks of our country’s foundation. Of course there are police who are “bad” and shouldn’t be wearing a badge, but that percentage I am sure is less than any other profession. Police officers are people like us that are fathers, mothers, husbands, wives and friends. They are put in positions where their very lives are on the line and they most always are reactive instead of proactive, which constantly puts them at a great disadvantage. They are spit on, yelled obscenities at, and physically challenged by crazy people who are under the influence of alcohol or drugs. And yet they have to control that person and try to get back home to hug their kids and spouse. 

The cartoon depicting police was a lame representation of our police. Across the country many police have resigned because of the lack of support, and their loss will be felt by the citizens. 

So when your house is being broken into, when you are stranded in winter, when your car breaks down or when you are being robbed, think about who you would call for help; it just maybe one of those “cops” in the lineup.

Butch Vannatta, Carmel 

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