Current Publishing

School board candidate Glynn aims for increased accessibility, transparency

Beth Glynn finds it easy to have a conversation with just about anybody, one of the skills she believes makes her an ideal candidate for the Carmel Clay Schools Board of Trustees.


“I’m very accessible and very approachable, and I think that I could be that voice so parents and children feel they’re involved and being considered on decisions made at our schools,” she said.

The mother of a sophomore at Carmel High School, Glynn said that accessibility hasn’t been the case at CCS in her experience. She said she and her daughter have reached out to school board members and the previous superintendent with questions but never heard back. She also feels that parent and student input isn’t sought and considered enough in important decisions.

To gather information from the community, Glynn said she would like to see the school board hold town halls or forums where parents — and students — can ask questions and share ideas.

“We don’t realize how smart our kids are. They may have some great ideas, and we just discount them because they’re kids,” Glynn said. “(I’d like) to get them involved a little bit more and let them know that people are listening to them.”

Glynn’s campaign platforms are to be a voice for children, to listen and communicate with parents and to strive for excellence in education for all children in a healthy and safe environment. She believes a good education goes beyond academics.

“It’s being healthy, it’s being able to deal with all types of people in a civil manner,” she said.

Glynn, a certified public accountant, is a graduate of Lapel High School and Ball State University, where she studied accounting. She also is a graduate of the IU Robert H. McKinney School of Law at IUPUI and the McGeorge School of Law in Sacramento.

She and her husband, Fred, a Hamilton County councilor, have lived in Carmel for 18 years.

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