Current Publishing

Kingston helps create ‘Women of a Certain Age’

ND WOMEN OF AGE 1006 Kingston head shot
Ellen Kingston

For Ellen Kingston, it’s the perfect time for a musical and comedic diversion.

Kingston, a Carmel resident, and Lawrence resident Karen Frye Knotts created an approximately 90-minute musical revue, called “Women of a Certain Age.” There are two performances at 8 p.m. Oct. 23 and 5 p.m. Oct. 25 at Spotlight Indy, 5060 E. 62nd Street, Indianapolis.

The show also features Diane Tsao, McCordsville.

Frye Knots

“It’s a compilation of Broadway songs and comedy bits that I’ve written,” Kingston said. “Each of us have a medley from shows we have done.”

Kingston will perform music from shows such as “Gypsy,” “Sound of Music” and “Carousel.” There will be pictures of the actresses up on the screen from their shows.

Kingston and Frye Knotts have acted together for years. Tsao has acted with Frye Knotts.

Diane Tsao

“One of the things we do is a “Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon’ thing, which shows how we all know each other,” Kingston said. “It’s heavy on the comedy. In this time of life where we are all going through something. People just need to escape a little bit.

Backing up the the three singers are Gisele Dollinger, keys, Kip Harris, drums and Bethany Robinson, bass.

“I’m thrilled to be working with two of my closest, most talented — and I dare not say oldest friends — but I’ve known both of them for over 30 years,” Frye Knotts said. “It is wonderful returning to a bit of normalcy by rehearsing and creating after months of this crazy pandemic. We each get to sing some songs from favorite roles we’ve done and poke fun at ourselves in some hilarious parodies that Ellen has written.”

Kingston expects the capacity to be limited to 60. All seating is socially distant, masks are required when not seated and hand sanitizers are located throughout the building. Kingston and husband Rick own Spotlight Indy, with band rehearsal studio, recording studio and event space.

Tickets are $20 and may be reserved by emailing or calling 317-695-4419.

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