Current Publishing

Opinion: Rye response

Terry Anker

Terry Anker

The news reports are tough. A recent poll of our remaining restaurants holds that, in addition to the many already closed during this pandemic, a full 40 percent more expect to be closed within six months. Some of the more cynical among us might proclaim, “Good.  COVID made us stay home and made us drink less.” Well, perhaps. What we know has happened is that we’ve reincarnated Great-Grandmother’s meatloaf recipe, gained a few pounds and learned how to ZOOM. But while folks may be drinking less out, we are drinking way more at home.

Meatloaf or homebrew, we’ve shut out a whole sector of friends and neighbors from the fun. While local eateries are desperately working to hang on, spending well into the red to support long-time and struggling workers, we have become expert mixologists (at the very least, we have been working to teach the dog to open the fridge and bring us a beer).

Happily, not everyone has overlooked the problem. Local cigar purveyor Corey Johnston,  local radio host Tony Katz and local distiller Nolan Smith have combined their considerable talents to produce a remarkably smooth and complex spirit aimed not only at easing our own strains but working to lift a bit of the burden borne disproportionately by those who used to concoct and deliver the elixirs to us. Recovery Rye delivers $5 of its whiskey-of-the-people price to those who need it most. The Indiana Restaurant & Lodging Association will see to it.

Do we imagine a day when we will routinely gather, in public, to celebrate the big game or the end of a hard day? Yes. In the meantime, Recovery Rye makes it easy for us to “tip” the servers who so desperately want to survive. Visit to find out how to purchase. Aren’t we still thirsty?

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