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Qaddoura defeats Republican incumbent for state senate seat 

In one of the closest races for the Indiana Statehouse, Democrat Fady Qaddoura has defeated incumbent Republican John Ruckelshaus to win the State Senate District 30 seat.

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With nearly all votes counted, Qaddoura received more than 52 percent of the vote to win his first race for elected office.

Qaddoura celebrated his victory with a Facebook post late Nov. 4, shortly after national news outlets called the race.

“We did it! Only in America can someone immigrate to this country, work hard, and earn the trust of tens of thousands of voters to become the first Muslim State Senator in Indiana’s history,” Qaddoura stated. “I will work hard every day to represent all Hoosiers – including the ones who did not vote for me.”

Ruckelshaus, who held the seat since 2016, fared better in Hamilton County, where he picked up nearly 60 percent of the vote.

District 30 includes southern Hamilton County and a portion of northern Marion County.

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