Column: I was wrong; mask up


Commentary by Jason Peek

You might have read my column in these pages recently. I discussed masks and the freedoms we have to make our own decisions. I am a patriot and love our freedoms, but after talking to a doctor at the 86th Street Covid unit and a Hamilton County elected official, I must retract my column.  

Covid isn’t dying out; it’s still going strong or stronger, and after a week of listening to multiple stories I think all business owners should consider not only mandatory masks but other forms of protection.

I love my freedom to make my own calls in life, but I also value my fellow man and those important to them. The Centers for Disease Control has shown a rapid rise in cases and deaths. I understand we’re testing more people, but I now believe a mask is a small thing to do to help curtail this if possible. 

We clean and disinfect daily at Main Street Barber Shop, but we hope other business can do all they can to help. I understand freedom is a cherished gift, but until we know for sure this under control, we are taking the extra steps. 

When I’m wrong, I admit it. I believe I was wrong in the manner of not considering others and what is going on in their lives health wise. I am going to start asking my clients to wear masks during the time they in the shop, and I hope other businesses do the same with their customers.

The more this goes on, and the more stories I hear, I realize freedom is great but helping others maintain quality of life is, too. I speak for myself and apologize to anyone that might have thought I was careless and uncaring. Those were not my intentions. I hope you’ll join me in masking up.
