Current Publishing

Letter: Time for a name change?

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I recently read an article about Columbus Day, and I think we need to make some changes. I don’t think we should have Columbus Day, but we can’t change that. We could at least change the name to something more appropriate. Here are a few reasons.

First, Columbus wasn’t looking for America, he was looking for India (in fact when he got to America he thought he was in India). Second, the Native Americans lived here already, so technically, Native Americans found America. Third, Columbus thought because they had a different colored skin and spoke a different language he could take them and sell them as slaves, and that’s not right no matter what color their skin is or what language they speak.

Also, a lot of cities and states are changing Columbus Day to Indigenous Peoples Day, which I think is appropriate. These places include Berkeley, Calif., Santa Cruz, Calif., Minneapolis, Minn. So in conclusion, I think we should change the name to Indigenous Peoples Day. It’s the least we can do.

Amelie Thibodeau, 11-year-old Carmel resident

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