Current Publishing

Letter: ‘Apartment dwellers’ contribute to community

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In response to the (letter to the editor) by James J. Smith in the Dec. 8 Current in Carmel, you have struck a nerve. Welcome to the world of change. Your underlying tone would suggest that the City of Carmel is reserved for conservative Republican, white rich people.

I happen to be one of those “apartment dwellers” and trust me, sir, the amount of rent I pay factors into the cost for the property owners to pay taxes. More sadly is to watch the gentrification going on whereby smaller homes are being gobbled up, only to be torn down and replaced with trophy homes shoehorned into undersized lots.

In case you are not aware, we “apartment dwellers” contribute to the local economy and I pay a tax to cross the county border to work. Yes, I have a job. Perhaps attitudes like yours contribute to systemic issues in this country.

Ann Homrighous, Carmel

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