Current Publishing

Fishers Health Dept. releases vaccine interest form


Fishers Health Department

The Fishers Health Dept. released a COVID-19 vaccine interest form. The health department anticipates to receive the Moderna vaccine in January, but had not received the doses as of press time.

The purpose of the interest form is to provide information to the Fishers Health Dept. to assist in the preparations of COVID-19 vaccination distribution. COVID-19 vaccinations are not anticipated to be available to the general public until mid-2021, but certain individuals may qualify to receive the vaccine sooner based on certain criteria. The form asks questions regarding to age, gender, whether or not the survey takes lives in a long-term or assisted-care facility, race and more. The survey is based on the most current criteria being utilized at the state and national levels for vaccine allocation and may change as new guidance is released to FHD.

To access the form, visit

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