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Boone County Health Dept. reports decline in COVID-19 cases


The Boone County Health Dept. has reported a decrease in weekly COVID-19 cases since the week of Jan. 9 to Jan. 15. The department reported 327 new cases for that week, compared to 557 cases the week of Jan. 2 to Jan. 8, and cases have continued to decline ever since.

COVID-19 cases decreased between Jan. 16 and Jan. 22, as the BCHD reported 219 cases. Between Jan. 23 and Jan. 29, the county’s cases decreased to 178, with no additional deaths. Each of the department’s reporting weeks end on a Friday.

“Our previous reports have been showing the numbers have been going down, which is very encouraging,” BCHD Emergency Preparedness Coordinator Tom Ryan said Jan. 28. “We are going to stress that even as vaccines are becoming more available and as even more and more people are getting vaccinated, people (should) continue to do social distancing, hand washing, cover their face. I really feel like we are starting to turn a corner. It’s a wide turn. It’s a slow turn.

“But I feel seeing the numbers we are, the dips we are seeing, are really encouraging, and I hope we continue to see that downward trend.”

In addition, the county’s reported positivity rate also declined. The BCHD reported the county’s positivity rate dipped from 16.9 percent the week of Jan. 2 to Jan. 8 to 8.5 percent the week of Jan. 16 to Jan. 22.

In total, 5,929 Boone County residents have tested positive for COVID-19 since the start of the pandemic, according to the BCHD. To date, 63 COVID-19 deaths have been reported.

On Jan. 27, the Indiana Dept. of Health gave Boone County an orange designation on its color-coded coronavirus advisory map, indicating the second highest level of community spread, meaning facilities can open to 25 percent capacity. Prior to Jan. 27, the county was given a red designation based on its number of cases per 100,000 residents and seven-day positivity rate.

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