Current Publishing

Column: Time to spring into planning action

IO 0302 Randy Sorrell

Now is the time to plan updates for outdoor living spaces. (Submitted photo)

Commentary by Randy Sorrell and Bill Bernard

Now that the snow is melting and we are all itching for the start of spring, it’s time to make a plan for spring cleaning and updating. After our recent deep freeze, the thought of getting outside and working in the yard is just what we need. With a little planning and effort early in the season, you will find more time for relaxing and enjoying the fruits of your labor.

The first step in preparing your outdoor living spaces for spring starts with taking a nice leisurely walk around your property to survey the condition of your yard and evaluate its strengths and weaknesses. In addition to evaluating your planting beds, you’ll also want to inspect any decks, patios and garden structures for any signs of damage that may need repair or replacement. Be sure and pause to take a step back and consider if you think something is missing from your outdoor spaces. Would the installation of a small water feature enhance the enjoyment of your patio? Would you be able to spend more time outdoors if you had a pergola to provide some dappled shade? Have your landscape beds become overgrown and need to be refreshed?

It’s never too early to start planning. Give us a call so we can help you evaluate your outdoor living options and transform your winter-weary landscape into an enticing space to relax and enjoy your surroundings.

Stay home, be moved.

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