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Letter: CCS welcomes destructive ideology

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By appointing its first diversity, equity, and inclusion officer, Carmel Clay Schools has introduced a destructive ideology into its schools. At the heart of DEI is identity politics, which defines each person primarily by membership in arbitrarily defined groups (some of which are favored over others) rather than by one’s thoughts, opinions and behavior. In doing so it debases Martin Luther King’s counsel that people be judged by the content of their character rather than more superficial characteristics. 

DEI pushes for the decidedly un-American value of equal outcomes rather than equal opportunity. It indoctrinates certain minorities into a cult of victimization (i.e. systemic racism) rather than promoting strength and resiliency when facing life’s challenges. The DEI appointee strongly hinted at such intent when she said her role is to teach students about “structures and systemic matters.” 

By discouraging open debate on a variety of sensitive topics DEI has led to the increasing balkanization of American society. Let’s not forget that DEI is also a multi-billion dollar industry. We should expect to soon pay millions of extra tax dollars to support the inevitable bureaucratic thicket of DEI officers that will arise in Carmel schools. I don’t know what prompted CCS to make this very irresponsible decision. Perhaps they thought that by giving in to the relentless demands of the DEI movement they would be spared its wrath. Or perhaps they truly believe in DEI. Regardless, CCS parents will now need to figure out how to protect their children from this terrible mess.​

Allon Friedman, Carmel 

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