Community Foundation of Boone County developing app to connect volunteers and nonprofits


The Community Foundation of Boone County plans to develop an app that will more easily connect volunteers and nonprofits, with the aim of promoting volunteer opportunities in the county.

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Community Foundation of Boone County CEO and President Jodi Gietl speaks at one of the foundation’s events. (Submitted photo)

In late 2020, CFBC officials adjusted their 2021 granting cycles to ensure the foundation’s goals supported the present needs of the community, and the CFBC received a $150,000 grant from Lilly Endowment Inc. to develop what will be the Connect Boone County app and fund other initiatives.

CFBC CEO and President Jodi Gietl said a common need the foundation continues to hear from nonprofits and residents is the desire for a centralized way for residents to volunteer.

“A lot of the residents that we have are unaware of our nonprofit services, and a lot of the nonprofits are unaware of who they could link arms with to have a greater impact with,” Gietl said. “This is something I come across every day. And, also, a lot of our nonprofits need more volunteers.”

Gietl said foundation members believe many residents would like to volunteer more often but do not know where to find opportunities. The app aims to fill the need by collecting and displaying volunteer opportunities at Boone County nonprofits, allowing residents to search for opportunities by time and date. The app also will serve as a community-wide calendar, listing events and happenings and helping those seeking to connect with others to make the connections. Users also will be able to make donations through the app to support local funds and causes.

The CFBC is hiring a volunteer coordinator to coordinate with local nonprofits and an app developer to create the app. It is expected to launch by late 2021 to meet requirements outlined in the Lilly Grant, Gietl said. She added that the app will is expected to inspire what has already been record-setting support from the community.

“Despite the challenges of 2020 with COVID-19, Boone County residents rose up to support local community needs, setting a record year of over $2.3 million in donations to funds held at the Community Foundation of Boone County,” Community Foundation of Boone County Board Chair Josh Frost stated. “This is a true reflection of the great people of Boone County. It shows that we can and do make a tremendous impact when we collectively work together and reflects the spirit of placemaking throughout the entire county.”
