Current Publishing

Letter: Hateful rant doesn’t promote care

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Why would you publish such an inflammatory, mindless, polarizing rant in your paper (Time to Get Back to Work by Jason Peek in the May 11 edition)?

It’s a one-sided, us-against-them argument against a reality that doesn’t exist. The delusional world of “thick-skinned” people flashing obscene hand gestures versus the lazy, weak, crying-about-race equality and a livable wage doesn’t exist.

There are open conversations going on about how to better our country, how to bring the minimum wage up to a level that keeps up with the cost of living, and how we still have work to be done in ensuring all are treated as equals across the board.

Having that conversation isn’t “crying.” It also does not set the expectation that “everyone” wants life handed to them on a “silver platter.”

I find it ironic that such a hateful, polarizing rant comes out of one side of the mouth while he also says that we should care for each other.

Do you want people to care for each other? Start within and set an example. Generalizing peoples’ views into simple “us-against-them” false arguments via hateful rhetoric is not conducive to that goal.

Be the change you want to see. If you really believe in shallow “us-against-them” viewpoints, you may want to reconsider what change it is that you want to see. There’s more to all of us than that level of mindless, schoolyard level of understanding.

Peter Lenges, Carmel

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