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Letter: Proposal: Cycling ban on Monon in busy area

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I live on the Monon Greenway near Main Street. I am writing to hopefully create awareness and change a dangerous situation.

I continue to see cyclists and people on motorized boards on the crowded area of the Monon exceeding 15 mph swerving in and out of people, kids and pets. Recently, I was passed at speed by a cyclist who swerved around me to then dive back into our lane to avoid the oncoming traffic, and he never said “on your left” or any announcement.

I continue to see this behavior in many cyclists threading between people in front of them and oncoming walkers. The same applies to people on motorized boards. One fellow wears full-face helmet protection and a protective jacket. What do you think will happen when a 150-pound or more person exceeding 15 mph will do to a person, pet or child when they collide into them? Broken bones, teeth or worse?

Cyclists are the first to yell and gesture at vehicles that pass them without giving at least the legal 3-foot distance, but they seem to have zero problem closely passing a family with kids at speed without even announcing their presence. I propose a ban on all cycling, save children accompanied by a parent, and all boards on the section of the Monon from Elm Street to Eighth Street, where most of the walking traffic occurs.

Is this fair to cyclists and people on motorized boards? Well, is it fair to ask a family with kids to walk on the road? Will the city do something, or are they going to wait until there is a tragedy? Just head out on a nice Saturday or Sunday and watch the speed and unnecessarily dangerous behavior.

John Hoffman, Carmel

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