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Letter: Citizens have lost control of federal government

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We American citizens have lost control of our federal government. No longer do we have government of the people, by the people and for the people. We now have government of the party, by the party and for the party. Preferences of a political party have replaced preferences of the people.

The majority of citizens favor voter identification and secure elections controlled by the states, yet Congress is proposing legislation that would bring voting procedures under total control of the federal government, eliminate voter identification requirements and generally weaken the integrity of the election process.

The majority of citizens favor secure borders, yet the president has unilaterally opened the southern border, creating an invasion of thousands which threatens the security of our beloved nation.

The majority of citizens favor the rule of law and order, yet Congress and political leadership of many cities and some states are taking actions that undermine law and order processes.

The majority of citizens favor energy independence, which the nation finally achieved in recent years, yet the sitting president has unilaterally taken actions that will significantly increase our dependence on energy from foreign nations, some of which may not be on friendly terms with us.

The majority of citizens want their elected representatives to be fiscally responsible, yet Congress continues the long-standing behavior of fiscal irresponsibility.

The majority of citizens favor a strong military as a deterrent against aggression from increasingly belligerent and hostile countries, yet the president’s budget calls for a reduction in military spending.

Limited print space precludes a longer list of disparities, but from these few, it is clear the federal government is disregarding many of the desires and expectations of American citizens. Elections do have consequences.

Hans Collins, Carmel

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