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Westfield council approves property tax abatement for Northpoint, updates animal ordinance

CIW COVER 0818 northpoint update1

Several companies are under construction in NorthPoint 1 northeast of U.S. 31 and 196th Street in northern Westfield. (Photo by Anna Skinner)

The Westfield City Council met July 12. Its next meeting is at 7 p.m. Aug. 9 at City Hall, 130 Penn St. For more, visit

What happened: The council unanimously approved a 10-year real property tax abatement for the Northpoint Business Park.

What it means: The abatement will provide a 100 percent abatement the first year, and will be reduced in 10 percent increments during the following nine years. The abatement is for the construction of three buildings by Chris Wilkes, senior vice president of Holladay Properties. The first building is 182,500 square feet, the second is 96,000 square feet and the third is 55,000 square feet. The buildings will be available for lease for tenants. Wilkes said the Northpoint Business Park is missing opportunities from smaller businesses that may not have time to build their own facility.


What happened: The council unanimously approved an animal-control ordinance.

What it means: The ordinance updates an outdated ordinance that was passed in 1990. Westfield Police Dept. Chief Joel Rush said the new ordinance has more definitions to make it easier to interpret actions and allow for enforcement of animal abuse. It puts more protections in place for animals, and it also strengthens penalties and establishes fees for violations.


What happened: The council heard an introduction to amend the Grand Millennium Center planned unit development.

What it means: The Grand Millennium Center was approved in early 2017 and is at the northeast corner of U.S. 31 and David Brown Drive. It is a mixed-use development with commercial and multi-family uses. The amendment would allow for flexibility and expand the area in which multi-family uses are permitted. The council will vote on the amendment at a future meeting.

What happened: The council heard an introduction for an amendment to the Spring Mill Trails planned unit development.

What it means: The development is 11 acres east of Ditch Road and west of Casey Road, north of Ind. 32. The amendment proposes changing permitted uses to include for-sale residential townhomes and allow for 80 townhomes to be constructed. The council will vote on the amendment at a future meeting.

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