Column: New year, new you


Commentary by Lorene Burkhart

As we approach the new year, we are hopeful that life can return to being calm and that the upheaval of the past many months can be put aside.

A recent article in the Wall Street Journal reminded me that it is our personal responsibility to create our own post-pandemic calmness. I found that all these suggestions were especially appropriate for living in a retirement community, but they’ll work anywhere.

First, accept where you are. Wish you could be traveling or back in your Florida home that you sold? Acceptance is the key.

Second, focus on the present. It’s great to have a plan for the future, but don’t take your eye off the ball of your current life and responsibilities.

Third, be patient with yourself. Sometimes I just want to go sit in a corner, don’t you? Especially when I’ve missed an appointment, can’t remember a name or some other foolishness that frustrates me.

Fourth, embrace your vulnerability. Aging often creates limits on activity that weren’t in our lives a few years ago. Well, it won’t get better!

Fifth, find community. Being among new and old friends is a great way to get rid of the blues and to recognize that others are sharing your frustrations and that we all must just carry on.

None of us knows what the next year has in store for us. Will it be more quarantines and cancellations? Will we ever be able to stop wearing masks? As we strive to stay healthy, it’s necessary to follow the rules and realize that wishing isn’t enough. Choosing to follow the best advice available will make a difference for all.

Good health and happiness to all!
