January 30 seemed the fitting date to hold a Children’s Organ Transplant Association fundraiser for Jax Sutton.
Jax, a Noblesville child who has end stage renal disease and needs a life-saving kidney transplant, will turn 2 years old that day.
“We chose this date for the Papa Murphy’s fundraiser in hopes of everyone celebrating him turning 2 with Papa Murphy’s pizza parties at home,” COTA volunteer Haley Albrechtsen said. “We are also planning a Jog for Jax, a COTA fundraiser, in March to help reach the $60,000 goal.”
The Papa Murphy’s COTA fundraiser is planned for noon to 7 p.m. Jan. 30 at the Village Park Plaza, 1950 E. Greyhound Pass, Westfield. The restaurant will contribute 25 percent of its sales to COTA in honor of Jax during that time frame. Albrechtsen said 100 percent of profits from the Papa Murphy’s percentage event will assist with transplant-related expenses.”
“There is no dollar amount goal for this event so to speak, but if we could get at least 20 people to participate in our Papa Murphy’s fundraiser, that would be great,” Albrechtsen said. “Obviously, if we could get more, that puts the family closer to their $60,000 overall goal.”
Jax has been on daily dialysis treatments that began while he was in the NICU. Dialysis is typically not a long-term solution. In order to begin the transplant process, Jax had to meet a specific height and weight requirement. He reached this goal in November 2021. Now that he’s reached that requirement, pre-transplant testing has begun.
Jax’s family is going to Cincinnati at the end of this month to begin medical tests that are required prior to a transplant. Both parents have had blood drawn to see if they are a match to donate one of their kidneys.
Albrechtsen said when a potential donor is found, the donor will go through extensive medical testing to determine if they can move forward with the transplant. Jax’s parents, Katie and Matt Sutton, hope to find out in February or March when the transplant can take place.
“Katie and Matt are beyond humbled by the community support thus far,” Albrechtsen said. “They are truly inspired by the love and caring for Jax by so many family, friends and the community. Since launching the COTA for Jax campaign, there has been almost $11,000 donated to COTA in honor of Jax.”
For more or to RSVP for the event, visit cotaforjax.com. For more about the Papa Murphy’s event or other fundraising and volunteer opportunities, contact [email protected] or 317-201-2768.