Letter: Protect constituents, not utilities



Lawmakers need to protect constituents, not utilities. It’s frustrating that electric utilities continue to not see solar installations as a positive for their company. They need to embrace it and add the infrastructure where it benefits everyone, including them. Instead, utilities are bending the law to cheat solar customers for energy pushed back to the grid. Utilities are changing from monthly netting to instantaneous netting, which financially harms those who invested in solar, including schools, businesses and cities.

For our family, it cuts the value of the solar investment we made, which was based on monthly netting. Our state senator, Scott Baldwin, sits on the Utilities Committee and has an opportunity to correct this problem to ensure that Hoosiers like me who embrace solar technology are credited on a monthly basis — the way the state law was written. Senate Bill 248 fixes this problem by making it clear that utilities have to use monthly netting.

Chris Lord, Carmel
