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Letter: Share thoughts on comprehensive plan with city council

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The Carmel City Council public hearing regarding the comprehensive plan revision draft will be held April 18.

Although the Carmel Plan Commission was successful in removing some of the more egregious aspects from the original revision draft, which was prepared by the Carmel Dept. of Community Services and their hired consultants, several undesirable aspects still remain.

Most of 146th Street, 96th Street and College Avenue are still designated as so-called “Typical Corridors,” which means that three-story buildings and commercial development would be encouraged along these primarily residential streets. Commercial development would be encouraged anywhere along the Monon Trail. Three-story buildings and commercial development would be encouraged anywhere along the White River, and six-story buildings would be encouraged nearby.

In addition, the objectives in the draft plan clearly promote “mixed-use” development throughout Carmel, as well as a variety of housing types within all neighborhoods. The latter is a thinly-veiled attempt to push for the construction of so-called accessory dwelling units (potentially as rentals) to allow two housing units on one lot, in order to increase residential density and thereby generate even more tax revenues to support the city’s overspending habits.

Unless changes are made, this plan will further expand and codify the ongoing disregard for the established residential zoning by the current city administration.

Please contact city councilors to provide your feedback regarding this comprehensive plan revision draft.

Dave Fox, Carmel

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