City of Fishers approves Allisonville Road corridor study


During its April 28 meeting, the City of Fishers Board of Public Works and Safety unanimously approved a resolution commissioning HWC Engineering for a corridor study on Allisonville Road between 106th Street and 126th Street. A total of $85,100 has been budgeted for the study.

Fishers’ Director of Planning and Zoning Megan Vukusich said the corridor improvement plan is heavily focused on community engagement. It also would focus on the commercial district at 116th Street and Allisonville Road.

Vukusich said the study will establish an identity for the corridor, re-envision development, provide insights on the best way to redevelop district identify strategic investments to support corridor redevelopment, and improve walkability within the district, surrounding neighborhoods, the Nickel Plate Trail and the White River.

Board member Jeff Lantz asked why the corridor stops at 106h Street and doesn’t proceed further south to 96th Street.

“We felt that we do have some development happening at 96th Street and Allisonville Road, new commercial development and felt the focus on development from 106th Street to 126th street is where the main commercial development is located,” Vukusich said.

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