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Snapshot:Organizations, students partner to beautify Noblesville High School

CIN COM 0517 school beautification1

From left, junior class student government leaders, Brooklyn Ely, Abigail Pittman, Anna Mullens, Avery Lowry and Tyler Ashby plant a redbud tree. (Photos courtesy of Noblesville Schools)

CIN COM 0517 school beautification1

Noblesville Lions Cub and City of Noblesville Urban Forestry Tree Board members joined 40 Noblesville High School students May 2 to beautify an NHS courtyard. Volunteers planted redbud trees, prepared garden beds for flowers and placed benches made from hundreds of pounds of recycled plastic bottle caps. The trees and plants were funded by a $1,200 grant from the state and local Lions Club chapters, with a portion of the garden supplies donated by Noblesville Ace Hardware.

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