Fishers resident named foundation’s director of learning, impact


Fishers resident River Sturdivant was recently named the Arthur Dean Family Foundation’s first director of learning and impact, a position that will allow her to work more closely with grant recipients.

The Arthur Dean Family Foundation is a private organization that serves Marion, Hamilton and Whitley counties. Sturdivant joins a small team of three, which includes Executive Director Ruthie Purcell-Jones, Indianapolis, and Director of Grantmaking Andrew Black, Carmel. In her role, Sturdivant will support grant recipients in building organizational capacity and sharing lessons learned and ensuring the foundation’s impact is aligned with its values and approach.

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I’m just excited to be able to join a team where we are really focused on doing more than just writing the check (for grants),” Sturdivant said. “It’s a great opportunity to listen to and learn from experts doing the work, day in and day out.”

The foundation’s areas of interest are education, youth development and family success. Sturdivant said average grant amounts last year were $93,000.

“We spend a lot of time having conversations and meeting people,” she said.

In her new position, Sturdivant will work closely with grant recipients.

“We consider them the experts in the area, so we are not just telling them what to do, we are trying to co-create and learn together,” she said.

Sturdivant started her new position March 7. Prior to joining the Arthur Dean Family Foundation, Sturdivant worked for the Central Indiana Community Foundation, where she oversaw special donor initiatives, research and evaluation. Sturdivant has a doctorate in adult learning and development and a master’s in international education.

“We are thrilled to expand our team and welcome Dr. Sturdivant as we begin to focus our efforts beyond the grantmaking check. We know that she will not only assist our grantee partners, but also support the Foundation in learning how to enhance our effectiveness,” Arthur Dean Family Foundation Executive Director Ruthie Purcell-Jones stated in a press release.
