Current Publishing

Enjoy fare from Zionsville restaurants as a community at Night on the Bricks

CIz COM 0607 Night on the Bricks

Night on the Bricks attendees enjoy dinner on Main Street. (Photo courtesy of Allyson Gutwein)

By Will Riddell

Night on the Bricks will return to Zionsville from 5 to 9 p.m. June 9, with diners able to enjor fare from local restaurants at 36 tables set up along Main Street.

The event, which is now in its third year, started in 2020 to support local businesses and restaurants during the pandemic. Although many restaurants are back to pre-pandemic capacity, Zionsville Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Allyson Gutwein said the event still a great opportunity for residents to enjoy the weather and the downtown restaurants.

“It’s all about getting together and enjoying a night together as a community,” Gutwein said.

This year there will be 36 tables set up for dining. Attendees must bring their own chairs. When the 36 tables are full, community members are encouraged to create their own spaces where they can share a meal with family and friends, Gutwein said. Coolers from home are not recommended.

Restaurants along Main Street include Noah Grant’s Grill House and Oyster Bar, Rush on Main, Cobblestone and The Friendly Tavern.

Night on the Bricks was previously presented multiple times during the summer, but this year it is scheduled for evening only. Gutwein said that is because the event was designed as a response to COVID-19 and local restaurants are no longer facing the same restrictions that were in place during the height of the pandemic.



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