Current Publishing

Letter: What has Spartz done for 5th District? 

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As a resident of the 5th Congressional District, I pause as I consider the work of Rep. Victoria Spartz. What has she done for our district? Her ad in Current in Carmel says she can help with federal agencies, can fill a request for a United States flag and help any high school students from our district who are applying to one of the nation’s service academies. Nothing in her ad indicates where she stands on key issues such as women’s rights, education, gun reform, civil rights and immigration reform. What is she willing to fight for and what process does she use before she votes on legislation?  

Democrat Jeannine Lee Lake is running against Spartz for the 5th Congressional District seat. She reached out her hand to Rep. Spartz at the Carmel July 4th parade, inviting her to join her in a debate to allow the voters in the district to learn where both candidates stand on issues that impact our lives and what they will do to help set the tone for the direction our nation takes as we work to unite rather than divide. Spartz agreed to debate. Let’s see if she does come forward with much more than the limited information listed on her ad. 

Shelley Carey, Carmel


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